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Adonite Swiss Open Final Results
25 participants from 6 nations. No races on Friday, 4 races on Saturday and 2 races on Sunday. Since Aeolus has not been very generous, all have been raced in light wind. 6 races and 6 different winners. The 2015 Adonite 5O5 Swiss Open was extremely disputed. The first 3 teams are within 2 points.
Saturday night, the Danish team Jan Saugmann/ Jakob Karbo was leading the fleet. Nikolaj Hoffmann Buhl/ Henrik Buhl had 10 points, ex equo with the French Philippe Boite / Florian Corbel. The Swiss Cédric Bart / Laurent Grob and Caroline Jacot / Philippe Jacot were closely following with 5 points.
Sunday morning, as expected, the Wind was extremely light and had turned West. May be the two Danish teams had a certain amount of pressure since they could virtually return home with 6 KCHF of prize money in hand. In every case, they both killed their chance in the two races of the day by either a bad start or either by choosing the wrong side of the race course.
Boite / Corbel were very inspired in the first race and, despite the fact that they were seriously threatened by the Swiss Bart / Grob they are a good option for the final victory. In seconded round, the Swiss Caroline Jacot / Philippe Jacot lead from start to finish followed by Bart / Grob. Although he started on the wrong side Boite / Corbel came back and managed to finish third while ensuring the final victory in front of Bart / Grob, second and Jacot / Jacot Third.
With a 7 and a 8, Jan and Jakob dropped at the 5th place overall. Nikolaj and Henrik, with 2 time 5th dropped at the 4th place overall.
1. FRA 9075 - Boite/Corbel 14 pts
2. SUI 9096 - Bart / Grob 15 pts
3. SUI 9147 - Jacot / Jacot 15pts
4. DEN 9128 - Hoffman Buhl / Buhl 20 pts
5. DEN 9112 - Saugmann - Karbo 22 pts
During his speech, Philippe Boite pointed out the fact that the races have been extremely intensive but fair. The Prize Money gave therefore its desired effect.